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Maximize your conversion rate with personal shopping


Personal Star, your personal shopping solution

Integrate a personal shopping service into your e-commerce site! Your advisors in-store or at your call center interact live with your visitors on your e-commerce site. Personal Star integrates quickly and easily into your e-commerce site, regardless of your technological solution, and will enable you to make the difference and maximize your propensity to turn a visitor into a buyer!


No development required, just select the page(s) on which to integrate the service and manage your community of advisors.

Easy integration

Your personal shoppers are just a click away from a widget integrated into your sales pages.


You have access to a complete dashboard of your Kpis and sales performance

Choice of advisor

Your visitors can choose the advisor with whom they wish to interact from among the available referral advisors.

Video, Chat, Audio

Your customers can choose their conversational mode with your advisor: video, audio or chat.

Advisor ranking

You can gamify your advisor community. Their availability and interaction are rewarded!

Your sales advisors are just a click away

Your sales advisors have a dedicated application at their disposal, enabling them to apply to advise your customers online on all or part of your products. They can manage and declare their availability, and are notified or called directly when a customer solicits them from your e commerce site, and can interact very simply in live video, chat or audio with your online customers.


Ready to become a live shopping star?

We can do it together! There's nothing complicated about it! We'll explain it all to you in a 30-minute video demo, and then we'll get started!

Your solution demo

A quick horrizon tour, showing you how Starshopper works and how easy it is to integrate.

We're talking live shopping strategy

After an audit of your video format to date, your first lives, and the strategies of your main competitors, we co-construct your live shopping strategy.

Sharing and projecting!

We'll tell you how our customers became live shopping stars, talk to you and plan the next steps!