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What is the future for live shopping in France?

Nearly one in four French people have heard of this " modern teleshopping " based on streaming videos, according to Altavia Shopper Mind.

The objective of live shopping is simple, to present your product live to sell it.

Live Shopping originally took root in the Chinese market where it has experienced unprecedented growth. According to Mc Kinsey, 2 thirds of Chinese consumers shop via live shopping and it represents more than 10% of e-commerce sales across the country.

Jean-Marc Mégin, Managing Director of Altavia Shopper Mind, the Altavia Group's research and forecasting laboratory dedicated to retail, notes that: " In France, the phenomenon is emerging. But the pandemic has accelerated it. Brands are trying to measure the potential of this new channel

" If e-commerce is practical, live shopping has a strong emotional and social dimension. Consumers are not alone in front of their screen, they feel they are participating, part of a group dynamic. This mode of purchase is also event-driven" , underlines Nathan Stern, Director of Research at Altavia Shopper Mind

The objective is to give consumers a real customer experience, to see live product tests and to be able to interact with the salespeople. In a second step, the consumer can access an interactive replay of the live event.

The live shopping, besides being able to be used by a large part of the sales sectors, can favor impulse purchases, thanks to an intuitive platform, the purchase can be done one click during the live.

In France, let's take the example of Joué Club.

Thanks to StarShopper and live shopping, the toy retailer was able to maintain a vital link with its customers despite the temporary closure of its stores during the pandemic

A renewed experience, even after the stores have reopened.